Chidambaram Nataraja Temple:
Chidambaram Nataraja Temple also known as the Pragadeeswarar temple, is a Hindu Temple dedicated to Nataraja, a form of Shiva as the Lord of dance. This temple is located in Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, India. This temple has ancient roots and the shrine of Shiva existed at the site when the town was known as Thillai. Chidambaram, the name of the city and the temple means ”stage of consciousness”.

The Chidambaram Nataraja temple complex proudly boasts of being one of the oldest temple complexes in Sothern India. The Nataraja temple was constructed during the 10th Century when Chidambaram used to be the capital of the Chola dynasty. The most unique characteristic of the Chidambaram Nataraja Temple is the bejeweled image of Nataraja.
The Chidambaram Nataraja temple has five main halls or sabhas namely the Kanaka sabha, the Cit sabha, the Nritta Sabha, the Deva sabha, and the Raja Sabha. This temple is considered the center of the Universe and was built between 1175 and 1200 CE.
The Nataraja temple as it stands had a pre-Chola dynasty existence and the architecture is Dravidian with the sanctum. The golden roof is a striking example of Vesara architecture. The temple is spread over a 40-acre area, within layers of concentric courtyards.
The complex has nine gopurams, and several water storage structures of which the Shivaganga sacred pool is the largest with the rectangular plan. The temple complex is dedicated to Nataraja Shiva and the theological ideas associated with Shaivism concepts in Hinduism. The Chidambaram Nataraja temple includes the shrines of Shiva, Devi, Vishnu, Subrahmanyar, Ganesha, Nandhi, and others including the Amman shrine.
The Nataraja temple sanctum contains a silver sculpture of Shiva in his Ananda tandava. It signifies the demon under Lord Nataraja’s feet signifies that ignorance is under his feet. The fire in hand means, he is the destroyer of evil, The raised hand signifies that he is the savior of all life forms.
The arc of fire signifies the cosmos and the perpetual motion of the earth. The drum in his hand signifies the origin of life forms. The lotus pedestal signifies Om, the sound of the universe. The right eye, left eye, and the third eye signify the sun, moon, and fire or knowledge.
The right earring and left earring signify the union of man and woman ( right is man, left is woman). The crescent moon in his hair signifies benevolence and beauty. The flowing of the river Ganges through his matted hair signifies the eternity of life. The dreading of his hair and drape signify the force of his dance.
Chidambaram Nataraja temple is based on the Human having nine entrances denoting nine openings of the body. These 21600 gold sheets are fixed on the ” Vimanam” using 72000 gold nails which denote the total number of nerves in the human body. These are the scientific facts of Nataraja Temple.
The Secret of Chidambaram is a Hindu belief that there is a secret message conveyed through the embossed figure near the shrine of Shiva in the Nataraja Temple. Since ancient times, it is believed that it is a place where Shiva and his consort Parvati are present, but invisible to no one.
What’s the armature of the Chidambaram tabernacle?
The armature of the Tabernacle represents the link between trade and church. The tabernacle was constructed during the 10th Century when Chidambaram used to be the capital of the Chola dynasty. The Cholas considered Lord Shiva as Nataraj as their family deity.
What are the five rudiments of the Chidambaram tabernacle?
The five tabernacles are — Thiruvanaikaval Jambukeshwara( water), Kanchipuram Ekambareswarar( earth), Chidambaram Nataraja( sky), Thiruvannamalai Arunachaleshwarar( fire) and Kalahasti Nathar( air).