Facts about Buddhist Council
Buddhist Council is based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama (Prince Siddhartha), who existed from about 563 until 483 Bc. Buddhism flourished out over the ancient Indian continent and into Asia, East Asia, Central Asia, and the Eastern part of Europe. Buddhists constitute followers of Buddhism. Buddhist history holds these six councils. Numerous emperors presided over such councils, which were guided by distinct monks. The goal of such gatherings should be to preserve Buddhism’s sacredness and expand the faith.
The Early Buddhist Council occurred in 400 BC – Buddhist Council 1
Around 400 BC, Through the support of Emperor Ajatshatru and also the monk Mahakasyapa officiating, an event was held at Rajgriha inside the cave of Sattapani shortly well after Buddha’s mahaparinirvana. Suttas were spoken by Ananda, while Vinaya was recited by Upali, another disciple. It had included the Abhidhamma Pitaka.

Buddhist Council 2
The 2nd Buddhist Council occurred at Vaisali, the ancient city from what is now Bihar, India’s northernmost state, near the Nepalese border, under the patronage of King Kalasoka and chaired by Sabakami. The Second Council was often certainly caught around 383 BCE or a century during the first. This council organized to debate monastery traditions, including in case the monks should be permitted to manage finances.
Buddhist Council 3
It took place at Pataliputra around 250 BC, under the guidance of Emperor Asoka. Moggliputta Tissa officiated through the event. They employed the Pali language for encoding Tripitaka’s third portion.
This Council seemed to already have gathered for producing Tipitika commentary.
Buddhist Council 4
About 72 AD in Kundalvana, Kashmir the Buddhist council IV took place Vasumitra ruled over it, with Asvaghosa as their assistant. The emperor of Kushan Kanishka presided over the council. The two subdivisions of Buddhism are Mahayana, as well as Hinayan which later got separated.
Buddhist Council 5
Mandalay, Myanmar, formerly known as Burma, hosted the fifth Buddhist council in 1871. The Emperor of Mindon came to sponsor it. Jagarabhivamsa, Narindabhidhaja, as well as Sumangalasami, headed the Fifth Buddhist Council. This council’s purpose was to repeat all Buddha’s teachings and evaluate them in minute information. Even outside Myanmar, the fifth council is relatively unknown because no significant Buddhist nations other than Burma submitted delegates.
Throughout the presence of 2400 monks, and headed by three older Buddhist monks. It took them 5 months to recite the whole Dhamma together. Major Buddhist nations just weren’t represented inside the Fifth Buddhist Council, which took place in Burma. Apart from Burmese, it is largely unknown. Just Pali Canon’s Burmese version got utilized during the fifth council. the fourth and sixth councils in Ceylon and Siam, several additional councils were convened, such that the whole thing can proceed in different ways.
Buddhist Council 6
The Sixth Council of Buddhism got established in Yangoon, Burma, In 1954, Prime Minister U Nu officiated the event hosted by the government. The Sixth Buddhist council marked the 2500th anniversary of Buddhists. Mahasi Sayadaw and Bhadanta Vicittasarabhivamsa led the Sixth Buddhist Council. This council’s objective was to defend and conserve Buddhism’s original Dhamma as well as Vinaya. A unique Maha Passana Guha (cave) was constructed, identical to that same cave so the first council of Buddhists took place.