Welcome passenger! Aboard the narrow-body aircraft to have a delightful experience. I’m gonna take you on a fast ride, so have your reading glasses and thinking caps on. Hurry up as there are only as many as 300 seats available. If you are looking for international flights for short hauls or domestic aircraft(read about aircraft) that connect domestic airports to the medium hub airports, this is the one you need to choose. Fasten your seatbelt as we are about to take off.

Narrow-body aircraft vs Single-aisle aircraft. Just kidding! Both mean the same.
Narrow-body aircraft are also called single-aisle aircraft based on the fact that they have only one aisle. Typically there are 2 to 6 seats with an aisle in between in this type of aircraft. When the focus light points towards the cabin classes, it differs from aircraft to aircraft. Certain aircraft have only economic class cabins while some are found to have a business class too.
Narrow-body aircraft vs wide-body aircraft
To begin with, a balanced aircraft that balances all the basic aerodynamics forces of flight(read basic aerodynamics of flight) is found to be a happy soaring aircraft! Applying to this both wide-body liners and narrow-body liners follow the aerodynamics of flight (namely thrust, lift, drag, weight). Widebody liners have a wide fuselage while the narrow body liners have a narrow one, as the name implies. The seating arrangement and the number of seats differ accordingly. Similarly, the counterparts of the aircraft also differ. With space comes comfort, hence widebody aircraft provides more comfort than narrow-body aircraft.
Some aircraft with bodies like that of a bullet :
•Boeing 707
This very own American narrow-body aircraft is widely used in military, aerial refilling, and transport.
•Boeing 727
Mostly used for domestic flights, this aircraft is specially designed for short-distance travel.
•Boeing 737
Being a tough competitor to the Airbus A320, it has one passenger class layout.

•Boeing 757
The first successful aircraft belonging to the age of jets.
•Airbus A320
The highest seller airliner belongs to the narrow-body aircraft family.

Wanna know about the other types of aircraft? Dig in to find out(Types of aircraft).
Hope you found this helpful and interesting. The era of inventory of life in the air is still in progress. Hope you enjoyed this short flight travel in the light jet. It’s time for landing! For more information on aviation and related stuff do check out our blog page at Criss Cross Tamizh. Until then, bye crewmate!