Sandhya Lakra

What is a Bitcoin ETF- How does it work, and their 2 important types?

What is a Bitcoin ETF- How does it work, and their 2 important types

Introduction The concept of Bitcoin ETF (Exchange-Traded Funds) emerged after investors and brokers noticed the high prices of bitcoin and other cryptos were becoming more popular. These are pools of bitcoin-related assets offered on brokerage exchanges to be traded as ETFs. The sole reason for these ETFs is to give retail investors who are not …

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How women can take charge of their personal finances; here are 7 effective ways

How women can take charge of their personal finances; here are 7 effective ways

Personal Finances According to the Women & Power survey conducted in 2022 by LXME, it has been revealed that only 9% of women in India have personal finances to invest independently through self-learning. 55% of women are either not investing or are unaware of investments. A shocking disclosure was that 33% of women do not …

How women can take charge of their personal finances; here are 7 effective ways Read More »

What is International tax planning and the 6 principles of asset & privacy protection in EWP?

What is International tax planning and the 6 principles of asset & privacy protection in EWP?

WHAT IS INTERNATIONAL TAX PLANNING? Taxes can be confusing. If you have ever studied tax, you would know how complicated it is. International Tax Planning has different tax slabs for everything. Different criteria or conditions are to be fulfilled for taking certain tax benefits. Goods and services are being manufactured and sold and then re-sold in …

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Financial Accounting – 4 ways to calculate Accurate

Financial Accounting

What is financial accounting? Financial accounting is a branch of accounting that deals solely with financial transactions. Transactions that can be quantified accurately and expressed in monetary terms are termed financial transactions. Financial accounting is concerned with the recording, analyzing, summarizing, and reporting of financial data in the form of financial statements. Such statements are prepared by …

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Financial Inclusion Best – Does Financial Inclusion Work?

Financial Inclusion

The entire world is a giant village now. Isn’t it? Everyone can connect through the internet. The liberalization of the financial systems has led to the birth of a worldwide financial ecosystem(Financial Inclusion). Nations can trade with each other. The transactions can be smoothly done across countries. One might say that the financial system has become far …

Financial Inclusion Best – Does Financial Inclusion Work? Read More »

What is Financial Distress & How to Overcome It in 2024?

Financial Distress

Financial Distress As the name suggests, this is a distressing situation for a company wherein it is not able to fulfill its financial obligations(Financial Distress). Financial distress is a term in corporate finance used to indicate a condition when promises to creditors of a company are broken or honored with difficulty. If financial distress cannot be relieved, it can lead to bankruptcy. Financial distress is usually …

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What is a Bitcoin and is it Scandalous to work? 4 Basics of Bitcoin


What is a Bitcoin? Bitcoin is a type of cryptocurrency. There are various other digital currencies like Ethereum, Litecoin, Stellar Lumen, and Zcash among others. Out of all these, Bitcoin is the most popular as it is the first of its kind. digital currency was created by an anonymous person named Mr. Satoshi Nakamoto and launched …

What is a Bitcoin and is it Scandalous to work? 4 Basics of Bitcoin Read More »

Smart Personal Finance Management Tips to Apply Today

Smart Personal Finance Management Tips to Apply Today

Smart Personal Finance Management Tips As you start earning, you realize how important is financial management. Needless to say, it is a part of adulting. People learn it through trial and error. Here are some tips for financial management that you must start if you haven’t already. Emergency Fund If you are freshly employed, the first thing …

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What is Bitcoin Cash? How Do Bitcoin and Crypto Work?


Bitcoin cash Bitcoin cash is a cryptocurrency created in August 2017, from a fork of Bitcoin. Unlike Bitcoin, Bitcoin cash has increased the block size, to increment the transactions to be processed and improve scalability. After its creation, Bitcoin cash got a drastic growth which helped it to become the 3rd most successful cryptocurrency over a short …

What is Bitcoin Cash? How Do Bitcoin and Crypto Work? Read More »

What is financial economics definition & its main methods of analysis?

What is financial economics definition & its main methods of analysis

Financial economics Financial Economics is a field of study where finance and economics are combined to help the investors in making informed decisions regarding investments. However, this is essentially a branch of economics. This branch of economics is mostly concerned with monetary activities and investment decisions.  Financial economics analyses the use and distribution of resources …

What is financial economics definition & its main methods of analysis? Read More »

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