Strong bones are a hard organ of our body and are created by consuming calcium-rich foods. A grown-up human being contains 206 bones and when these bones are well structured, they form the skeleton system. Different bones in our body have different functions.

Types of bones
There are four different types of bones present in our body:
1. Long bone: Arms and legs
2. Short bone: Bones of the wrist and ankles
3. Flat bone: The shoulder bones, breast bones, and skull bones
4. Irregular bone: The bones of the spine(vertebrae)
Hence, these are the four types of bones present in our body.
The Skeleton system
It is well known that our body consists of 206 bones. When these bones are combined in a well-structured manner, they form the skeleton system. The skeleton system’s main work is to give a structure to our body and help it in movement.
How can you make your bones healthy and strong? (calcium-rich foods)
Eating a diet rich in calcium, and vitamin D and regular exercise can keep our bones strong and healthy. For an adult aged 51 to 70 years, the recommended dosage is 1000 milligrams of calcium a day. As we age the density of our bones decreases and are prone to many bone-related diseases such as arthritis. Avoiding substance abuse such as smoking, drugs, liquor, and other harmful substances can help in a strong and healthy bone.
Top 10 calcium-rich foods for strong bones
Yogurt: It is a dairy product and has calcium in good amounts. 250 grams of yogurt contains nearly 20% of the daily recommended amount of calcium.
Seeds: Seeds are a good source of many vital nutrients and the good thing is they contain calcium in good amounts.
Beans and lentils: Beans and lentils are good sources of protein but few of us know that they also contain calcium in good amounts.
Almonds: Nuts are good for our health and so do almonds and they also contain a good amount of calcium. A handful of almonds contain nearly 20% to 25% of our daily requirement of calcium.
Whey protein: Whey is created from milk and doesn’t only contain protein as the name suggests, it also contains calcium in a good amount.
Green and leafy vegetables: We all know how important it is to eat green and leafy vegetables. They contain vital nutrients and many of them contain a good amount of calcium.
Cheese: Cheese is produced from milk and is delicious to eat. They have a good amount of protein, fats, and calcium.
Fortified foods: As the name suggests, these food items have added nutrients in them. To include calcium in our diet we can consume Fortified foods that contain calcium in good amounts.
Eggs: Eggs are a good source of protein and phosphorus and also contain calcium in good amounts.
Milk: Milk has nearly all the nutrients our body needs. Milk is a complete diet and has a great amount of calcium. 250 milliliters of milk contain 25% of the daily recommended amount of calcium.
Which fruit is full of calcium?
One whole orange has around 60 milligrams of calcium, making it one of the most calcium-rich fruits. For an added mineral boost, you can pick up calcium- fortified orange juice at the grocery store.
How can I increase calcium in my body naturally?
Calcium and diet Dairy products, similar as rubbish, milk and yogurt. Dark green leafy vegetables, similar as broccoli and kale. Fish with comestible soft bones, similar as sardines and canned salmon. Calcium- fortified foods and potables, similar as soy products, cereal and fruit authorities, and milk backups.
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