Hello, my dear explorer!! Reading glasses on for we are about to dive in deep about aeronautics. The science or art involved with the study, design, and manufacturing of air flight is called aeronautics. Originally it is all about operating the aircraft. To know why come let’s find out!

Diving down into the history of aeronautics
Right-back in the 2nd and 3rd centuries BC, Aristotle, and Archimedes, had their hands work on the fundamental concepts of aerodynamics. The quantitative theory only began when Isaac Newton( the apple guy), in 1726 became the first aerodynamicist.
The man who discovered gravity also developed a theory of air resistance( to know more do check out the history of aerodynamics). Way ahead of this, before the understanding of aeronautical concepts, attempts of flying are found according to history.
Airships originally called, ‘dirigible balloons’ that are steerable advanced in Europe during the renaissance. Baloon jumping was technically replaced by tower jumping wherein men tie a wing-like structure on their backs and jump out of towers flapping their artificial wings( read more about the history of aviation). After years together, the Wright brothers accomplished their invention of flight in powered fliers.

The significant branches of aeronautics
The art of laying hands in the practice of aviation is called aeronautics, as we saw before. Right from gliders and balloons to heavier than air aircraft, everything flying invention falls under this category.
Aeronautical Engineering
The science of passing through the air. Yes, I am talking about aerodynamics. The branch of dynamics that is reliant on the study of the motion of air is called aerodynamics. The major part of aeronautical engineering deals with the study of all this. Aeronautics and astronautics are often combined these days and studied together as aerospace engineering.
The fluid dynamic conservation laws, basically the definitions that explain aerodynamics are four. The four of them are the law of conservation of mass, momentum, and energy. The law of conservation of mass puts forth the theory that any mass can never be created, it can either be created or destroyed.
We all have seen the launching of rockets on the television, haven’t we? The thrust from the rocket engine powers the missile or the spacecraft to launch into space.
I hope this article made you wear your thinking caps and reading glasses. The era of inventory of life in the air is still in progress. Hope you enjoyed this fun fact time about aeronautics. It’s time for more exploration! For more information on aviation and related stuff do check out our blog page at Criss Cross Tamizh. Until then, bye explorer!