Environmental effects of aviation
Have you ever looked at the sky, while an aircraft passes by and wondered how much gas it releases into the atmosphere? How are our environmental effects of aviation? I always used to wonder if cars and bikes on the roads release so many pollutants how much will an aircraft emit!
We have always enjoyed the path formed by jets while it’s propelling, isn’t it? They are employed in doing stunts in the air and entertaining people with their exhausts during Independence day and Republic day. Modern-day wedding proposals have also entered the trend of using aircraft exhaust. Ever wondered what the constituents of the aircraft exhaust are and how it affects the air? Come on explorer, let’s find out!

How are our environmental effects of aviation as in all the greenhouse gasses are up in the air!
When a fossil fuel is combusted, it emits gasses. We all know this from school. Aircraft engines require these fuels to function and work on combustion.
Jet airliners release Carbon dioxide (CO2), the greenhouse gas we have been accustomed to hearing since high school, and nitrogen oxides, contrails, and particulates for the not heard in school part.
The more you travel by plane, the more polluted you are!
As the aviation industry emerged with more fuel-efficient advancements, overall emissions have risen as the volume of air travel has increased. In very simple words, most of the air travels, then most of the gasses are released into the air. 70% higher than in 2005 and they could grow by 300% by 2050, wondering what statistics I’m talking about? Not the Indian economy as there is growth here, I’m briefing about Aviation emission over the years.
Aviation deals with all 5 elements of nature
People living near airports are accustomed to the sound aircraft produce. Usually, it is disturbing and highly irritating. The noise disrupts sleep, children’s education and has a risk of inducing cardiovascular diseases. Airports use a lot of water and deicing chemicals in cleaning the aircraft which are then drowned in nearby water bodies, contaminating them. The emission of ozone and ultrafine particles from activities related to aviation causes health hazards. Piston engines ( to know more about engines do check out blogs on types of aircraft engines), release toxic lead when burning Avgas fuel.
Climate change and aviation
Climate change is the talk of the town nowadays. Aircraft emissions play a major role in contributing to greenhouse gasses promoting climate change. The contrails and cirrus clouds are formed due to global warming enhancement. The volume of aircraft in the air is increasing day by day as the population increases. Around 50,000 aircraft hover around the world every hour. This result is more emissions contributing to global warming and other harmful factors.
I hope this article made you wear your thinking caps and reading glasses. The era of inventory of life in the air is still in progress.
I hope you enjoyed this fun fact time about the environmental effects of aviation. It’s time for more exploration! For more information on aviation and related stuff do check out our blog page at Criss Cross Tamizh. Until then, bye crewmate!