Carbon dioxide(CO2 into stone)
Carbon dioxide(CO2) is a colorless gas formed by the combination of carbon and oxygen. It is a significant gas that is linked to global warming and results in climate change.

Credits: Frontiers
Carbon dioxide is categorized as a greenhouse gas. Carbon dioxide is a boon as well as a curse. Carbon dioxide is used by plants in the process of photosynthesis. There are several industrial uses of carbon dioxide such as the manufacture of fertilizers, plastics, fire extinguishers, refrigerators, etcetera.
Carbon dioxide’s role in Climate change and global warming
Any changes in the environmental conditions of the earth are referred to as climate change. Climate change and global warming, and their catastrophic effects have become a major concern.
Carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere come mainly from the burning of fossil fuels and it accounts for 80% of global warming. Carbon dioxide is a warm gas and it can capture sunlight and trap it in the Earth’s atmosphere causing global warming which results in climate change. The amount of Carbon Dioxide present in the atmosphere is more than ever and it is increasing at an alarming rate.
The average temperature of Earth has increased at a much faster rate in the last century. One fact about global warming is that the last 5 years have been the warmest in centuries. The effect of Climate change is many such as desertification, floods, droughts, rise in oceanic sea levels, rapid melting of glaciers, storms, etcetera.
One promising and bold step to turn carbon dioxide(CO2) into stone
We have the technology to capture Carbon dioxide from the atmosphere but we lack the technology to put it away safely and permanently. One promising research in recent times done in Iceland which is an island nation located near the North Atlantic Ocean, shows promising results in turning Carbon dioxide into stone.
Nature uses some specific metals that are present in certain rocks and turns Carbon dioxide into stone. Volcanic rocks are believed to be the best kind of rocks for this task. The volcanic rocks contain rocks called Basalt and Peridotite.
These types of rocks contain large amounts of certain metals required for reaction with Carbon dioxide. But there is a problem, this process of turning Carbon dioxide into stone is rather very slow. The researchers in Iceland were trying to find a solution to increase the pace of turning Carbon dioxide into stone and they succeeded in their endeavors.
Carbon dioxide easily dissolves in water. When the CO2 is dissolved into water it is then pumped deep into the ground where rocks of Basalt and Peridotite are present. The CO2 then reacts with these rocks and the metals they contain and eventually turns CO2 into stone.
The dissolved CO2 in water is injected deep into the ground with the help of a machine called an injection well. This device takes CO2 dissolved in water to a depth of 2000 meters. The Basalt and Peridotite present at this depth are best for converting CO2 into stone.
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What is the effect of Climate change?
The effect of Climate change is many such as desertification, floods, droughts, rise in oceanic sea levels, rapid melting of glaciers, storms, etcetera.
Can CO2 be turned into rock?
Nature uses some specific metals that are present in certain rocks and turns Carbon dioxide into stone. Volcanic rocks are believed to be the best kind of rocks for this task. The volcanic rocks contain rocks called Basalt and Peridotite.