Coronavirus disease and its outbreak have taken the lives of millions and people are still getting infected by this pandemic. Our immune system and it is the ability to tackle coronavirus and the same infectious diseases are very important for our well-being. Doctors are prescribing people to improve their immune systems to effectively fight this viral disease. A better immune system results from the ineffective handling of many other infectious diseases as well. Vaccines are available for several infectious diseases including Coronavirus but still, we need a good immune system to help our body in fighting infections effectively and we don’t have vaccines for all the infectious diseases.

Our immune system
The network of organs and biological processes that helps our body to fight against infections is called the immune system. These infections spread due to a variety of microorganisms and some chemical toxins. A solid/healthy immune system will want to the great defend/protect our body against different diseases.
Types of the immune system that actively fight against infections
The Innate immune system
The Innate or non-specific immunity is the immune system that we inherit or in other words, the immune system we are born with. Some good examples of physical barriers in and out of our body are the gastrointestinal tract and the skin. In the innate immune system, some specialized immune cells attack the pathogens quickly whenever they enter our body. Quick action is the main work of the innate immune system. In any case, every one of the microorganisms can’t be handled by the innate immune system.
Acquired immunity
As we grow this type of immunity develops in our body. When our body is exposed to various pathogens, it develops antibodies and when the same pathogen attacks our body next time, it is in a better position to fight it off.
Passive Immune system
Passive immunization is finished by infusions of antiserum, that is shaped by someone else or another animal. Immunizations/Vaccines are not generally durable yet are significant in containing the disease rapidly and this is the best justification for us to routinely take antibodies/Vaccines for specific contamination.
The key players in our immune system that keep us safe from infections.
Our immune system comprises specific sorts of WBC – white platelets/white blood cells. Some chemicals and proteins are also components of our immune system. White blood cells have another name called Leukocytes. The main task of leukocytes is to keep patrolling the blood and tissues in search of harmful intruders. When leukocytes detect any harmful substance which is from outside of the body, they send out information to our immune system to start an immune response. Bone marrow is the place where Leukocytes are formed and are present in all parts of the body.
Types of Leukocytes
Phagocytes enclose the pathogens, break them down and kill them. Phagocytes perform the same function as any pathogens.
Lymphocytes create a specific immune response against different infections causing germs. They are further divided into two more types. The B- lymphocytes that form antibodies and the other name T-lymphocytes are alerted by B-lymphocytes to kill the intruder.
How the immune system is activated to fight against infections
An antigen is a term utilized at whatever point anything triggers an insusceptible/immune reaction. An antigen can be microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria or fungi, toxins, chemicals, or other things that can harm our body. At the point when our body interacts with certain microorganisms or microbes interestingly/pathogens, it gathers data about the microorganism and makes antibodies. When the pathogen attacks the next time, our body will be in a better position to fight the intruder.
Like viruses, some infection-causing germs are very adaptive. They learn ways to change over time and enter into our bodies, which is why for some infections we need vaccination regularly.
Why vaccines matter for infections
Vaccines help our body to build its immune system to make antibodies and to be better equipped for some specific infections such as Rabies, Chickenpox, Flu, Covid-19, etc.