Are you all excited to read about the Bugatti Veyron? Good. I am as excited as you are. Who doesn’t like to write all about the quickest supercar in the world! Let’s indulge in the story. Bugatti Veyron comes from the artistic Bugatti family. Yes, it takes a true artist to make such an amazing model of the car.

Bugatti family
The first Bugatti was the great artist and designer of his time. Bugatti was from France, his artworks were quite popular worldwide.
His first son Ettore Bugatti developed the first car of Bugatti. Though he was born in an artistic background, he went towards making a car. Ettore made a car with his own hands at the age of 17.
First-ever Bugatti car
The first-ever Bugatti car was known as type 1 and type 2 cars. The cars are made using one cylinder and two cylinders. Moreover, Ettore Bugatti started entering the cars into local races. Ettore won a lot of races, besides becoming a champion too.
Next comes the fast cars
Ettore Bugatti developed a fast car in his next car version. It was known as type 13S. He raced with that car in the so-called Lemans racing in France.
Additionally, Ettore Bugatti developed an even faster car type 35 than its prior version. It entered a total of 2000 races, winning it all. It was the only car to create that many world records. Quite a sensation!
Tough times
Jean Bugatti son of Ettore Bugatti died in the 1930s. He died when he was testing the type 35 model. Ettore Bugatti and his wife passed away a few years later. Now the big question was who would handle the car company Bugatti? Nobody was there to do it. Finally, the Volkswagen group came to the rescue.
Bugatti Veyron
Volkswagen became ready to take control of the Bugatti cars in the 1990s. Volkswagen outdid the Bugatti car this time besides introducing an all-new version. It was known as the Bugatti Veyron in the year 2005. Bugatti Veyron becomes the superfast car of the decade. Indeed, it was a supercar.
Quad turbo engine
Bugatti Veyron had a quad turbos engine. It simply means it has four turbos whereas most of the coolest cars have only two turbos. It had an incredible performance right! Additionally, it was built with titanium and other composites. You see these materials used in the making of aircraft.
Air brakes of Bugatti Veyron
The quickest car has air brakes. Believe it or not, it absorbs about 45000 liters of air. That’s huge!
Spoiler system
All cool cars have spoilers. Bugatti has it too. It works as a kind of brake, so the car doesn’t drag much.
Quickest it is!
The Bugatti Veyron could go up to 253 miles per hour. Also, it could go up to 100 to 200 km just in a matter of seconds. Yes, it’s that fast.
Bugatti Veyron developed a lot of models in the upcoming years. Bugatti cars are the costliest of all. However, there are around 300 cars sold so far. It was all fast model cars keeping their roots without a doubt.
The latest car version of the Bugatti Veyron had a speed almost equal to Bugatti Chiron. Bugatti Chiron was the quickest car of the Bugatti itself. I surely like the looks of the Bugatti cars. Do you like that too? Read to know more information about the Bugatti Veyron on Wikipedia.