Animal species are getting endangered due to loss of habitat and loss of genetic variation. Increasing the temperature causes most species not able to survive. They can move from place to place according to climate changes. Sometimes they lose or die during that period. Also without getting proper nutrition or enough food and water, they may be endangered. Not only due to climate conditions humans also destroy the species in various ways.
Likewise, the development of industry, agriculture, and housing also caused habitats to be destroyed. Genetic variation may also cause the animal species to be endangered. As the population increases the greater the genetic variations. Like the same species have different hair or different body parts. So the animals may not breed such types of their species. Along with that, some animals may treat various genetic types.
Reasons behind Animals becoming endangered
Animal species are the most important ventures for many reasons. Like a human, they also have a sense of organs and significance. A larger number of animals are in danger due to some biological factor.

Overhunting and overharvesting
Most animals are endangered by humans. Because each animal has one important use, a human-like elephant has use of its ivory tusk, and the rhino has its horn. These are sold in the market to get the best price and used for different sources. Small and big species are affected by humans. Small species like rabbits, deer, and other reptiles are used for food and sold at the best price on the market. Huge animals like lions and tigers will hunt small species to reduce their population. Wildlife is depressed while hunting which increases the death of their families.
overhunting is any hunting activity that hurts the total continuing population of a species. With the tremendous increase in the human population since the Industrial Revolution, there has been an ever-increasing use and, often, exploitation of many of the world’s natural resources. The demand for fish and shellfish has exemplified this misuse of natural resources. The amount of hunting pressure that a species can tolerate depends on its productivity, and it may change seasonally and annually because of drought, habitat alteration, pollution, or other mortality factors.
Increasing pollution causes various problems that may arise. The entire ecosystem will be polluted due to the killing of trees and the destruction of the animals. The wide use of industries and factories will pollute the air and water. Harmful factories have surrounded the forest and more toxic gas or leakage of substances overall pollutes the biosphere. Plants-eating species are affected due to getting enough water and pollution. An increase in pollution may be due to ozone being affected which reduces the rain. Farmers use various pest control medicines in crops. To minimize the insects and pests. So those little big creatures have not gotten their prey to feed.
A shift in the abundance of a species can be caused by industrial air pollution. For example, increasing aluminum levels may cause:
- Extinction of some fish species
- Allowing bug species to thrive
- Benefit ducks that feed on insects.
However, eagles, ospreys, and other fish-eating creatures may suffer as a result of this loss.
Humans and animals will affect various kinds of diseases. It can be spread from creatures to humans or from humans to animals. Deforestation and pollution are the major causes of this condition. The disease can be spread by eating foods, at the time of sexual transmission and climate changes. Most humans can spread disease from creatures through their household pets.
Disease threats can include known illnesses that affect new species, such as canine distemper in Amur tigers. Or they could represent new diseases that spread quickly through a vulnerable population, such as the emergence of a transmissible cancer called devil facial tumor disease in Tasmanian devils. Loss through disease can decimate a population in a short amount of time and, if a species is already threatened, loss to disease can compound an already desperate situation.
Morris Animal Foundation has long recognized the danger posed by disease on wildlife. Our efforts to save Ugandan mountain gorillas, New Zealand’s yellow-eyed penguins, and Australia’s koalas are just a few examples that showcase our commitment to saving wild creatures from health threats around the world.
Low birth rate
Reproduction is the natural way to increase the birth rate. Some will not reproduce quickly due to some genetic disorder. Larger mammals have a longer life with a lower birth rate. However, smaller creatures will not live long if they have a high reproduction rate. The small creature population will be higher but they can’t survive long due to human effects or hunting. Creatures that have a low birth rate may be affected by diseases that cause death. Few creatures will ovulate in a short period able to conceive once like a panda.
A specific birth rate is used when calculating creature natality. The criterion used is age. Creature natality is expressed as an age-specific schedule of births. This is represented by the quantity of young/unit of time by females in various age classes. The age-specific birth schedule will count females who have only given birth to females. Showing the number of females that have been born relative to the previous generation will show how much of that generation may have the ability to reproduce.
A survivorship column must also be included to construct a fertility table. Taking the survivorship column and the mx values from the life table, the number of offspring will be shown, giving us the natality rate.
Humans are surrounded by a wide range of forms of creatures. Without getting adequate nutrition they will not reproduce their way. Over the last 50 years, 60% of creature species have been endangered due to climate conditions and genetic factors. Mainly the creature species are affected by the hunting of humans and the imbalance of nutrition.
The World Wide Fund-India raises concern about the longevity of the following creature species: the Red Panda, the Bengal Tiger, the Ganges River Dolphin, and the Asian Elephant. India signed the Wildlife Protection Act and also joined the Convention on the International Trade in 1976, to prevent poaching from harming its wildlife.